Scientists have shown that our skin begins to age as early as 25, but most women (and in recent years many men) strive to maintain a flowery appearance for as long as possible. Therefore, in plastic surgery, people saw the possibility of preserving their youth and were happy to rely on the professionalism of doctors. But science doesn't stand still, and technologies that use a laser to restore skin are taking the lead today. After exposure to rays of a certain length, divided into several light streams, the skin begins to get rid of particles unable to regenerate and the young and healthy cells divide rapidly, replacing the dead layer. This ability to restore the skin's natural processes makes laser rejuvenation an alternative to surgery.
Operating principle
It has long been known that aging is directly related to a slowing down of metabolic processes. Those cells that have already processed their resource die much slower, and new ones are in no hurry to replace them. In addition, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is disrupted. Thus, the skin loses its elasticity and shape, wrinkles are formed. With the help of modern technology, doctors have learned to slow down and even reverse such phenomena. The fact is that with local exposure to a laser beam, the skin tissues experience a kind of thermal shock. Those of them that it hit directly die, in their place are particular craters of coagulated proteins. The surrounding tissues, trying to heal the damage as soon as possible, begin to grow rapidly, forming a new layer. As a result, the patient gets smooth and toned skin for a long time. This procedure is called fractional (zonal) laser rejuvenation.

Variety of fractional laser rejuvenation
Fractional laser rejuvenation includes many techniques in which, in addition to exposure to the skin with a laser with different wavelengths, additional equipment and cosmetics are used.
Ablative exposure involves working with the superficial layers of the skin without deep damage. Most often it is used to remove fine wrinkles, eliminate surface defects and the first signs of aging. This technique is most effective for those who are not yet 40 years old.During the procedure, the laser beam burns micro-sections on the stratum corneum.During healing, the skin is leveled, firmed, the effect is noticeable already 1-2 days after the procedure, but to maintain the result it must be repeated periodically.
Laser peeling
A more serious surgery is laser peeling. During this procedure, the upper layers of the skin are actually burned. This formulation sounds scary, but it is quite safe and, thanks to local anesthesia, an almost painless procedure, for which cosmetology uses two types of devices: erbium and CO2laser. Depending on the intervention required, the equipment is adjusted to a certain length of radiation, which makes it possible not to damage the deeper layers of the tissues.As a result, after the restoration, the skin becomes more toned and youthful and the ability to adjust the mode of operation of the laser devices allows you to correct the skin in the décolleté area and in the eye and lip contour area.Some disadvantages of laser peeling are a long recovery period (7-10 days).
Very often CO is used in salons and clinics2- a laser which, using a short beam charge or continuous rays, burns the upper layer of the skin. The danger of this device is that if you do not calculate the depth of penetration, severe damage to the skin occurs, after which scars remain. An erbium laser is safer in this regard, as the radiation does not penetrate deeper than the upper layers of the skin.
Carbon peeling
Carbon peeling is a type of laser peeling. At the same time, in addition to laser exposure, they also use a special mask containing carbon dioxide nanoparticles. Under its influence, the remains of sebum, other impurities and keratinized particles are bound and removed. The laser stimulates collagen synthesis, improves metabolic processes and removes dead skin cells. The combination of these effects helps to cope with acne and other skin inflammations, evens out color and relief, and improves appearance.
During the procedure, a mask is first applied to the skin to clean the surface layers, and after drying, a laser is used to start the recovery process. As a rule, the effect after such a procedure is not long in coming and becomes noticeable after a couple of days. Another advantage is the absence of discomfort. Unlike other laser procedures, where the pain often cannot be numbed with special anesthetics, the carbon peel procedure is painless and the patient feels only a slight heat during the procedure.
laser resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a deeper intervention than laser peeling, although the principle of operation remains the same: the laser beam removes the upper layers of cells. Grinding is used to remove scars, age spots, post-acne, and other gross blemishes. The procedure is painful and is done under local anesthesia. The number of sessions depends on the severity of the defect. Also, be prepared that the recovery period will last up to a month and will require certain restrictions.
DOT rejuvenation (fractional photothermolysis)
In non-ablative procedures, laser beams, bypassing the surface, penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Non-ablative laser rejuvenation is recommended for coarse skin defects, including wrinkles and obvious signs of aging.Due to the fact that the action is directed directly to the deep layers of the skin, the effect is not immediately noticeable, but persists for a long time.
DOT rejuvenation (dermal optical thermolysis) also belongs to such methods. This method appeared in 2010 thanks to an Italian company. Under the influence of a carbon dioxide laser, many microthermic zones are formed in the layers of the skin, surrounded by intact areas. To achieve the desired effect, the master changes both the wavelength and the distance between the laser action areas.
Another method, when laser exposure is combined with the introduction of special cosmetic substances into the skin layers, is biorevitalization. The procedure consists in carrying out preparations that restore or improve the composition and normal functioning of cells with the help of laser beams in the deep layers of the skin. The active ingredient in this case is hyaluronic acid, which acts as a kind of "cement" that fills the space between the collagen and elastin fibers.Therefore, a higher concentration of this substance evens the relief of the skin, improves the color and triggers self-renewal mechanisms.
The laser in this case acts as a stimulating and cleansing agent, as a way to deliver the active ingredient in the depths of the epidermis. During biorevitalization, a cold laser is used. The length of the rays creates microtunnels through which the hyaluronic acid penetrates the deeper layers without burning the skin. Therefore, during the procedure, the prepared skin is first treated with a laser, then the active ingredient is applied and again treated with a laser. Specially modified hyaluronic acid molecules pass through the upper layers of the skin and are fixed in the cells and intercellular space of the dermis. At the end of the procedure, by changing the spectrum of laser radiation, the doctor fixes the result. Biorevitalization with a laser is absolutely painless and the effect afterwards is noticeable after a few hours, but unlike the injection technique, it will not be that long.
Pros and cons of laser rejuvenation
Like everything in the world, laser rejuvenation has both positive and negative sides, and having decided to improve the appearance, you should carefully consider them. The positive aspects of laser rejuvenation include the following topics:
- laser rejuvenation visibly restores skin firmness and elasticity, often after 1-2 sessions;
- after the procedure a fairly short rehabilitation period passes (even with fractional photothermolysis and resurfacing, when the integrity of the tissues is violated, it usually does not exceed two weeks);
- laser techniques restore the décolleté, neck and eyelids, which are notoriously very sensitive;
- due to the particularities of the equipment during the session, the doctor works with large areas of the skin, which allows you to use the laser both on the face and on other parts of the body;
- such an effect triggers self-healing and renewal of skin cells;
- after laser rejuvenation, the skin tightens, wrinkles are eliminated or become less noticeable, the tone is evened out, scars are smoothed, pigmentation disappears, dark circles (bruises) under the eyes are removed. In addition, the fractional laser is considered an effective method in the fight against stretch marks.
It would seem - great! But laser rejuvenation also has a downside. So the cons:
- often, to achieve the desired result, you need to perform 4-6 procedures with an interval of several days or even weeks;
- most laser rejuvenation techniques are painful, despite the use of anesthesia;
- after the procedure for several weeks and often months, the skin requires careful care and protection with the help of special products;
- laser rejuvenation techniques often do not cope with deep and pronounced wrinkles or old scars;
- there is an extensive list of contraindications for such manipulations;
- and finally, laser rejuvenation techniques are quite expensive.

Directions for execution
To globally solve the emerging problems of skin aging, people aged 16 to 65 can use the laser rejuvenation procedure. Of course, which effect is more suitable, it is necessary to decide on an individual basis. You can use the laser rejuvenation procedure if you need to do:
- correction of age-related epidermal defects in cases where surgical correction is impossible;
- smooth the skin around the eyes (elimination of "crow's feet");
- rejuvenation and firming of the skin of the face (forehead, cheeks, chin, area around the mouth), as well as in the décolleté, neck, hands;
- elimination of scars after acne;
- treatment of pigmented areas, including melasma;
- elimination of enlarged pores, varicose veins;
- correction of the inner surface of the arms and thighs;
- elimination of stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the body;
- treatment of scars after surgery and injuries.
To select a suitable technique and treatment, you need to consult a doctor.
Fractional laser exposure is a serious procedure, and before deciding, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Already in the initial phase, the doctor who will perform the rejuvenation procedure must carefully examine and interview the future patient in order to identify the presence or absence of contraindications. These include:
- the presence of inflammatory processes in the affected area (including acne in the acute stage);
- herpes;
- oncological diseases;
- diabetes;
- blood diseases (bleeding disorders);
- infectious diseases in the acute period;
- skin infections;
- allergic reactions;
- epilepsy;
- immunodeficiency;
- hypertension or hypotension;
- age up to 16 years (the not yet formed epidermis can be easily damaged);
- age after 65 years - in this case, due to the decrease in the intensity of regeneration processes, the rehabilitation period will be long;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The course of the procedure
As a rule, no preliminary preparation is required for the laser rejuvenation procedure, therefore, after a first consultation with a specialist and in the absence of contraindications, you can start right away. This procedure is done on an outpatient basis, and upon completion, the patient is sent home.
- Even during the examination, the doctor determines the area and depth of the necessary impact, the length of the laser beam and the size of the laser grid.
- Makeup is removed from the skin.
- About an hour before the procedure begins, the doctor will numb the treated area using an anesthetic cream.
- After the anesthesia begins to act, the doctor directly proceeds to work with the laser. Depending on the intervention, as well as the type of apparatus, the actions of a specialist may differ. For example, when polishing the skin, the doctor draws solid lines on the skin with a nozzle, without stopping, so that, by correcting the necessary area, you do not burn the layer too much. During DOT rejuvenation, the nozzle is sequentially rearranged over selected areas, applying laser grids over them. In both cases, a tingling sensation or even a slight burning sensation is possible.
Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of rejuvenating and restorative procedures based on laser exposure. However, most of the methods are quite serious intervention and require certain knowledge and skills. But devices have appeared, with the help of which laser ablative procedures are carried out at home without special training.
rehabilitation period
It will take at least 1-2 weeks to restore skin integrity, during which time the treated areas require special care. Immediately after laser exposure, soreness, burning and swelling of the skin may appear. The next day, these symptoms will intensify, icore may appear on the treated skin and scabs may form, which in no case should be touched or attempted to be removed. They serve as a kind of protective barrier between the infection in the environment and the regenerating skin. In this phase, a cream with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is used to reduce pain symptoms. To reduce the intensity of edema, it is worth reducing the intake of fluids and salt. By the end of the first week, the crusts gradually soften and disappear, under them a thin pink layer of the renewed epidermis hides.

Care after fractional rejuvenation
For a speedy recovery, special skin care is required.
- Do not use tap water for washing. It is best to use bottled or boiled water.
- During the first week, avoid skin contact with sunlight. And then, for a month (until the natural color returns to the skin), use products with UV protection of at least 30.
- Within a month (until the epidermis is completely restored), do not use scrubs, peels and other products that can damage the skin.
- If there are no allergies, take special vitamin complexes aimed at improving the skin, they will help speed up the recovery process.
Possible complications
In addition to the described processes typical of the rehabilitation period, the recovery of the skin after laser exposure can be complicated by the following processes:
- the patient may feel itching on the treated areas;
- after the scabs come off, red spots on the skin can remain for a long time;
- possible activation of the herpes virus.
About 4% of those who have undergone this procedure have scars, rosacea (spider veins), or areas of hyperpigmentation.
Frequency of procedures
Speaking about how many procedures will be needed and how often to repeat the course, it is necessary to focus on a particular patient. Indicators are determined by the doctor, based on the condition of the patient's skin. But as a rule, ablative techniques, as well as laser peeling or biorevitalization, include a course of 3-6 procedures.To achieve a lasting effect that will last for several years, it may be necessary to repeat the course in six months.

User reviews
- "The procedure itself was really painful. But it's also my fault: I refused the anesthetic cream, trying to save money. However, this pain was quite bearable. After the procedure, the whole face turned red as it did after. a burn. The redness disappeared the next day. I was told you can use foundation, but I decided not to weigh down the skin again. On the second day after the procedure, the skin started peeling, I scabs formed. I noticed a positive result on the third day - the old skin started peeling, the scabs fell off and the new skin really became like "new" - there were no scars (already after the first procedure, even if I was told about 3), the fine wrinkles have been smoothed out, the pores have shrunk, the complexion has improved, the oval is stiffened. So, despite the pain, cost and some inconvenience of the procedure, I am was very satisfied and, now, loI recommend to everyone.
- "Much exaggerated! There is a result, but what they write in advertising should be divided by five. My result: the skin is more elastic, the complexion is fresh, the pores have become smaller, the fine mesh has been removed , the superficial wrinkles on the forehead have diminished a little, the age spots (trivial freckles after summer) have become a little lighter and a little less in diameter. If you know what to expect, you will be satisfied, you cannot blindly trust of advertising.
- "I assigned the doctor the task of getting rid of age-related wrinkles above the upper lip, the so-called folds - nasolabial folds and, in general, to improve the texture of the skin. A special anesthetic cream was applied to my face , followed by a colorless lubricant. Fraxel treated the area of her cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds and forehead. During the procedure, a freezing breeze blew over the area Fraxel was currently working in. And so she didn't hurt. Overall Impressions of the Procedure: More effective than various masks and wraps, along with a healthy lifestyle. "
Cosmetology today offers a wide selection of procedures that can restore the health and youth of the skin. The methods developed on the basis of laser exposure occupy one of the first places in terms of efficiency in this list. The popularity is also brought by the devices that are used at home, although for a radical solution to the problem that has arisen it is better to turn to professionals. However, in order not to be disappointed later as a result, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of both the clinic where the procedure will take place and the doctor who will perform it. In addition, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations that the doctor will give after laser rejuvenation. And then the renewed, smooth and radiant skin will be a natural result.